We value the partnership between home and school, and encourage parents to take an ongoing interest in their child’s learning. We strongly advise and encourage parents to hear their children read/share books for a short time on a daily basis. This can be recorded in the red Reading Log book, which can also be used as a quick means of communicating with the class teacher.

Children have regular spellings (from Year 1) and times tables (from Year 2) to learn at home. In their termly topic letters, class teachers will provide information on how these are organised in their own classroom. Children in Years 3 to 5 also have a personal project to complete in the Spring term. Thank you for supporting your child with these homework tasks.

We have prepared curriculum documents for both Maths and English to share with parents. These include information about national curriculum expectations for each key stage, as well as some ideas for how you could support and help your child at home. Please click on the links below to access these presentations.